Al Gwizdala

Birth Date:  October 31, 1969 (yes, that isn't a mask, I am just that ugly to be born on Haloween)

Place of Birth:  Bay City, Michigan

College:  Way too much and I miss the experience and income I lost!  B.S. in Chemistry at a small school in Michigan, Saginaw Valley State University.  M.S. in Analytical Chemistry from Iowa State.  M.B.A. from University of Maryland University College (mighty UMUC, hey, you can only do so much and still work 60-hours / week)

City of Residence:  Williamsport, Maryland

Profession:  Operations Director for a mining company, no, not a bad one, we mine quartz (silica sand) for industrial use - mostly for glass, building products, and now oil and gas markets, nothing underground and all very above board

Wife/Kids:  One great wife who puts up with my many hobbies and an equally great kid, age 11 and my best friend

Other Hobbies:  DMB leagues are certainly my primary hobby but I love fantasy football, strategy games, and getting my butt kicked by my son in video games - man, I have lost my touch.  Other hobby is fishing, fishing, and more fishing

Favorite Teams:  Always been a huge Dodger fan but quickly becoming a Nationals fan since we started going to single A Hagerstown affiliate

Most interesting sports moment:  lots of great one but #1 is certainly Gibby smashing the Eck pitch in 1998 to win game 1 of the World Series

Other:  big time football fan pulling for Notre Dame every Saturday and the Steelers every Sunday, I generally like the franchises with great history and ethics (getting harder and harder to find in modern times), love history - both sports and other, love a good movie as well - at last count, I think I have 17 movies in my top 10 list